Copolymer P(VDF-TrFE) for Protective Gear Application

In summary, this project’s goal was to create a functional polymer system with a  specific engineering application. Throughout the paper, the polymer PVDF required was investigated, and then coupled with another polymer (TrFE) to create a copolymer by using free radical polymerization, a technique taught in CHE-560, overall creating a 𝛽 phase semicrystalline structure called P(VDF-TrFE). Then, ZnO nanocomposites were added to the system to fulfill certain electrical, chemical, and mechanical requirements that were fulfilled by the polymer on its own but needed enhancement to create a second dipole to alter the mechanical movement of the system in reaction to a mechanical force. Following this, the preparation of this type of functional composite was proposed using a process of solvent casting, stretching, electrospinning, and finally poling, all which play necessary components in proper electron orientation and transfer for the system. Finally, a mechanism for combining the long thin tubes of composite was proposed so that it could be created into any sort of protective gear needed for the user. (The images are not mine. They are from academic papers which I can provide credit for if needed)